Friday, May 13, 2016

Checkout This Hot Female Lailan Who Hasnt Aged a Bit in 20 Years (Photos)

Hello Laila,
I am taking a trip down memory lane. Exactlly 20 years ago today, I earned my Juris Doctorate from The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law. This other photo is of me today. 

It was a bittersweet experience. I walked that stage proud of my accomplishment and yet knowing that my call to inspire and fight for freedom was not going to be fulfilled in the practice of law. I realized on my second day of Law School that man made laws are almost ALWAYS subject to the rich and powerful, and justice is rarely attained in the courts as lawyers are trained to 'win' not pursue truth and justice. Although, I went on to be admitted to the Bar in the State of Illinois, it was really just to prove I could and not because of any new-found love for the practice of law. 

20 years ago

20 years ago

I decided that while I will always appreciate and even fight for what protections man made laws would occasionally afford, I had to find another way to personally inspire freedom and live free myself. What I know for sure is that real freedom emanates from the soul itself.

Africa is in more bondage today than when I was born 45 years ago. For all our advances, sometimes it feels like African-Americans are more mentally enslaved today than 100 years ago

Aya with her son 2016

Aya with her husband 2016
Wow, 45 is the new 20.
Aya is a motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast and lifestyle coach
She lives in Texas
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